Aquatic Life Farm, LLC

where we only sell tropical fish we raise

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I order fish?

If you would like to order, please email aquaticlifefarm@gmail for availability and prices. We will e-mail a list. Once we confirm the fish are still available, Aquatic Life Farm can send a PayPal invoice, if requested.

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How do I pay?

Secure payment can be made through PayPal.  If you do not have a PayPal account, PayPal also allows payment with credit cards and debit cards.   You can pay a PayPal invoice with a credit or debit card without having a PayPal account.

US Post Office Money Orders are also accepted.

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To where does Aquatic Life Farm, LLC ship fish?

Aquatic Life Farm, LLC ships fish to the contiguous 48 states.  Ask about shipments to Hawaii or to Alaska.

Also we can not ship outside the United States.

Shipments require a valid address and e-mail address or telephone number.

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How are fish shipped?

Fish are shipped either Express or Priority Mail via the US Post Office. Shipping costs are determined based on the zip code of the final destination. Shipments are not made until the money for the order has been received.

The 24-hour temperatures must be between 40° Fahrenheit and 90° Fahrenheit both in Bryans Road, Maryland, and in the final destination for shipping to occur.

Fish are packaged in such a manner that they should survive for up to 5 days provided the temperature in the bag does not drop below 68°F or rise above 90°F.

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What is the warranty?

Aquatic Life Farm, LLC wants satisfied customers.  If you have a problem with your order, please contact us at

Aquatic Life Farm, LLC (ALF) guarantees live arrival only on shipments that arrive in the time specified originally by USPS for the box. Only these 1 or 2-day deliveries come with this guarantee. Any delay from the expected timetable caused when the box is under the control of the USPS is not the fault of ALF and means the shipment is not guaranteed for live delivery. However, the shipping procedures used usually allow the fish and/or shrimp to survive for more than three days.

- Daphnia is excluded from this live arrival policy since some daphnia always die in transit.

- Buyer must accept delivery on first delivery try and accept the delivery time stated by the carrier as correct.

- If any shrimp or fish are DOA (dead on arrival), the buyer has one hour from the time of delivery to take at least two clear pictures or a video of the unopened bag showing clearly the dead animals. DOA documentation must be sent via email to within the same hour to be eligible for refund or replacement.

- Providing either replacement(s) or a refund based on a price-paid-per-fish basis is at the discretion of Aquatic Life Farm, LLC.

- If replacements are available, the buyer must pay the shipping costs prior to the replacements being sent.

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What are the disclaimers?

Aquatic Life Farm, LLC provides this website in an 'as-is' condition, without a warranty or condition.  Aquatic Life Farm, LLC is not liable for any damages arising out of use of information contained on this site, or resulting from your visit to the site.

Information provided on this web site is accurate to the best of our knowledge.

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